The Corporation of the City of Grand Forks

Committee of the Whole


Meeting #:
7217 - 4th Street, City Hall Council Chambers
  • Mayor Everett Baker
  • Councillor Zak Eburne-Stoodley
  • Councillor Neil Krog
  • Councillor Deborah Lafleur
  • Councillor David Mark
  • Councillor Christine Thompson
  • Councillor Rod Zielinski
  • Duncan Redfearn - Chief Administrative Officer
  • Daniel Drexler - Corporate Officer
  • Kevin McKinnon - Deputy Corporate Officer
  • Kirsty Faramin - Corp./IT Services Assistant
  • Juliette Rhodes - Chief Financial Officer
  • Dolores Sheets - Manager of Development & Engineering Services
  • Adriana Cameron
  • Alex Adams - Manager of Public Works
  • David Bruce - Manager of Inspection & Bylaw Services
  • Jon Wilson
  • Justin Dinsdale - Manager of Capital Projects
  • Ben Stevens - Project Manager, Flood Mitigation Program
  • James Runciman - Fire Chief


The Mayor delivered the land acknowledgement.

Mayor Baker called the April 17, 2023, Committee of the Whole Meeting to order at 10:00 am.

April 17, 2023, Committee of the Whole

  • THAT the Committee of the Whole adopts the April 17, 2023, agenda as presented.

March 6, 2023, Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

  • THAT the Committee of the Whole adopts the March 6, 2023, Committee of the Whole Minutes as presented.

Copper Sky Project: 

  • Roy Schiesser - Copper Ridge Resident, spoke to the potential increase in tax base and opportunities with the proposed project but noted the infrastructure, water supply, and ecological concerns are critical challenges that put pressure on the watershed. To focus only on developmental needs could have a negative effect on Grand Forks.
  • Dan Zabinsky spoke about attending a meeting in 2006 regarding this development. At that time, Daniel Chiu advised that Prospect Drive would not be used to access and construct the Copper Sky development and inquiring if that is still the plan.

Gallery 2

Tim Van Wijk and Rachel Grav from Gallery 2 presented a submitted quarterly report to Council.

Jackie Klotz

Jackie Klotz and Christie Newman presented a proposal to Council, and a discussion followed regarding:

  • diagram of the proposed drag racing event at the Grand Forks Airport
  • the safety plan that would be in place for the potential event, including fire suppression and placement of grandstands for spectators
  • strict rules and guidelines for participants
  • all electric and gas vehicles fall under the same category for safety inspections
  • the intent is to have full insurance for the event and list the City as additional insured
  • no additional wear and tear to the airport or its runway

Council and Director Wiese encouraged the group to:

  • consult with the Grand Forks Flying Association
  • work with Staff to schedule a walk-through at the Grand Forks Airport

Copperfield Living Ltd. - Harry Harker

Harry Harker (Agent), Daniel Chu (Ownership), First Principles Planning (Sean Ali, Scott Thompson), Water Engineer (Jennifer Massick), Lindel Cedar Homes (Doug and Barbara Pocha) were all part of a team who presented information. Discussion ensued regarding:

  • Grand Forks real estate demand outpaces the supply
  • developable area is outside of the ALR, located between Coalshute Road and Copper Ridge neighbourhoods
  • the vision is to provide lots with diverse forms of affordable housing 
  • Magna Engineering has been engaged to support storm/wastewater management eliminating the need to connect to City infrastructure initially
  • natural landscaping is the goal rather than water use for ornamental grass landscaping
  • prepared to include a water conservation permit area and wetland water system
  • the boundary expansion process could potentially take twelve to fourteen months to complete
  • initial access to the development is Prospect Drive, but preference is alternate access once designed
  • potential costs to the residents and the City of Grand Forks as the proposal is developed

Director Wiese presented her report. She attended:

  • Council of Forest Industries meeting
  • the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary hosted an inaugural agricultural grounds meeting
    • a land acquisition committee was formed to support potential agricultural grounds

Department Managers

  • The Community Safety Bylaw Officer presented his report as submitted.
  • The Public Works Manager presented his report as submitted. Discussion ensued regarding:
    • the removal of 275 graffiti and tagging pieces on public property
    • 83 additional pieces are located on private properties
    • the estimated cost to remove is $35,000, with labour (one hour per piece) and materials included
    • each 'tag' is documented but not for inventory purposes
    • working with the RCMP to press charges and hold the guardian accountable for costs of removing graffiti
  • Council inquired about the effects of hosting a Drag Racing event at the airport
    • Staff advised about the need to shut down the runway for the duration of the event
      • potential to generate revenue for the City
      • must be reviewed by an aviation engineer
      • safety is paramount
  • THAT the Committee of the Whole receives the monthly highlight reports from department managers.


Building Inspection

The Manager of Building and Bylaw Inspection Services presented his report that was submitted. No further discussion was required.

Flood Mitigation Team

The Project Manager of the Flood Mitigation Program, the Manager of Capital Projects, and the Manager of Strategic Initiatives presented the submitted report. Highlights of the report included the following:

  • removed the temporary road from Granby River and completed riprap on that side
  • discussed rehabilitation work with property owners whose properties were disturbed by the flood mitigation project
  • additional historical debris buried at the 4th Street (City Park) construction site, which required remediation
  • North Ruckle dike functionally complete; finishing work still to be done
  • campground intersection will be reviewed for increased traffic, and the potential to change access to the campground
  • Demolition Program in final stages
    • demolition and clean up on eight properties
      • ensured to remove of hazardous materials
      • two phases for North Ruckle
      • completion within 3-4 months

Corporate Services

The CAO introduced the item, and the following discussion ensued regarding:

  • local organizations that would provide valuable input to the committee
  • potential benefits to local organizations
  • Council would appoint a liaison to support the committee
  • THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends to Council to establish the Accessibility Advisory Committee as outlined in the attached Terms of Reference.


Bylaw Services

The CAO introduced the item with changes to the proposed bylaw and discussion ensued regarding:

  • Council suggested changes to election signage requirements
  • the CAO advised that it would be best to address proposed changes as part of the upcoming sign bylaw

Financial Services

The CAO introduced the item. Discussion ensued and included the following:

  • shifting the potential tax burden to different tax classes
    • the CAO clarified that the percentages are similar to the previous year
  • THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends to Council to give first three readings to the 2023 Tax Rates Bylaw at the April 25th, 2023 Special Meeting.

    Opposed (1)Zielinski

Financial Services

The CAO introduced the item, and Council gave the first three readings to the Bylaw 2099.

  • THAT the Committee of the Whole Recommends to Council to give first three readings to the Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw No. 2099 at the May 8th, 2023 Regular Meeting.



  • Dan Zabinsky, a Copper Ridge Resident:
    • What will happen to the Copper Ridge water supply? Will the current water tower be annexed to the City of Grand Forks?
      • Harry Harker, Agent for Copperfield Living Ltd.:
      • The water system is part of the Grand Forks Irrigation District; if residents have access now, they will continue to have access.
  • Kevin Lennox, a resident of Copper Ridge:
    • Why are the proposed 1/2 acre lots planned to be rezoned into 1/4 acre lots?
      • Harry Harker, Agent for Copperfield Living Ltd.:
      • An urban municipality potentially can not charge enough taxes for the services.  In the long term, if the land owner chooses to, could sub-divide for additional tax revenue or allow the property owner to potentially sub-divide
        • high density is not the goal; building to suit what is already here is
  • Kevin Lennox, a resident of Copper Ridge:
    • When will the development start with the initial 12 properties, and how long until completion? He Is concerned with one route in and out of potential development.
      • Harry Harker, Agent for Copperfield Living Ltd:
      • The earliest start is next spring, dependent on engineering, work with RDKB, and grading.  Completion will be based on the market.  Whatever access route is planned, it will include bike/walking lanes.
  • Kevin Lennox, a resident of Copper Ridge:
    • If the proposal is approved, what rules must be followed? 
      • The CAO further spoke to a boundary expansion that would keep the RDKB existing zoning until modified by the City.  The City OCP Bylaw amendment would set the control points.
  • Kevin Lennox, a resident of Copper Ridge:
    • What is the delay in the construction regarding the homes that were sold and relocated from the Ruckle area?
      • The CAO clarified the challenges that have impacted the final stages of the house moving and salvage program. The City provided the land and home, while the remaining components relied on the Osoyoos Indian Band (OIB). The delay on those work sites is due to issues with partners at OIB and their general contractor.
  • Trish Hotlz, a resident of Copper Ridge:
    •  Will the proposed 1/2 acre lots have houses be developed, or will the lots be sold undeveloped and built by the developers? 
      • Harry Harker, Agent for Copperfield Living Ltd:
      • Completion will be based on the market, would consider the potential to sell both developed and undeveloped lots. 

The April 17, 2023, Committee of the Whole Meeting was adjourned at 12:38 pm.

  • THAT the April 17, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting be adjourned.

No Item Selected